Policies & Reports
Annual Report
The purpose of the school annual report is to inform parents and the wider school community of the school’s successes, activities and achievements throughout the year and to meet Commonwealth and State legislative requirements, including Smarter Schools National Partnerships.
Download the 2023 Annual Report
Annual reports are made available to the school community at a public meeting organised by the school principal and on the VRQA State Register.
Strategic Plans
The school strategic plan sets out a school’s strategic direction for the next four years, including the school’s purpose, values and environmental context, as well as goals, targets and key improvement strategies in the three student outcome areas:
student learning
student engagement and wellbeing
student pathways and transitions
The school strategic plan is developed during the year of self-evaluation, review and planning. It is informed by the information gathered and directions identified throughout the college self evaluation and college review processes and through staff, student and parent consultation and engagement with relevant community agencies.
Download the Macleod College Strategic Plan 2020-2024
Uniform Policy- See Uniform
Child safe
Supporting policies
All College Policies can be accessed by contacting the college.
Please email macleod.co@education.vic.gov.au or call (03) 9459 0222 for more information.