The Victorian Student Excellence Program
The Student Excellence Program provides $60.2 million to support government schools to provide a great learning environment for high-ability students through:
structured learning extension programs for high-ability students,
upskilling classroom teachers to better support their high-ability students, more resources for government schools to build their programs for high-ability students.
Together these three strategies will lift the learning, engagement and wellbeing of high-ability students and help them thrive now and into the future.
Excellence in supporting high-ability students will be recognised through a new category in the Victorian Education Excellence Awards.
Structured learning extension programs for high-ability students
Students in Years 5 to 8 will have access to the Victorian High-Ability Program, a 10-week virtual extension program delivered by Virtual School Victorial with a focus on English and mathematics. The Department of Education (DET) will centrally manage the selection of students for this program. After completing the program, students will have the opportunity to participate in a face-to-face masterclass with other high-ability students from schools in their local area. High-ability students from Prep to Year 12 will benefit from the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series. Schools will be able to nominate students to take part in activities from the series according to their abilities and interests. The series of excursions and incursions will include activities across all areas of the curriculum and will be delivered face-to-face and virtually by Tech Schools, partner organisations and universities.
The Student Excellence Program at Macleod College
The Student Excellence Program will complement the MC iLeap program which currently includes Extension classes from Years 7-10 in English and mathematics and bring a whole new facet to our existing programs across P-12.
The Challenge and Enrichment series will allow students at MC to demonstrate their high abilities across all areas of the curriculum and give them opportunities to excel in their chosen field; these are set to include science, languages, and the arts.

VCE PE students partaking in a Victorian Institute of Sport workshop thanks to the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series.