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Master Plan


Stage 1 - Demolition of Block A and part Block B + New Science Hub and VET relocatable - COMPLETED
Demolish portion of Block B. Construct new purpose-built science block. Existing Block A science labs are to be demolished. New primary school play areas and entry landscape


Stage 2– Demolition, alterations and additions to Block D

Demolish portion of Block D. Refurbishment remaining Block D DATS (Design, Arts and Tech) spaces. Relocate food technology facilities from Block C, approximate 190sqm addition to the building will include 2 x GPC, amenities and a learning commons encouraging break-out, ‘creative collisions’ and student work display from the co-located DATs spaces.

Stage 3 - Demolition of Block C + New Central Library and Canteen

The demolition Block C makes way for a centrally located learning resource building(LRC) and canteen, for access by the entire college. Proximate to the junior school, the facility can provide additional technology, resource and creative functions to younger students, and provide inclusion into the whole school community. The presence of amenities, a larger IT-rich library zone, and secure entry promotes multiple uses over extended hours and the potential for community access (e.g. German market, breakfast clubs, after school care, parent information nights).

Stage 4 - Demolition of remaining Block B + New Senior Student Hub + Relocatables
Demolish the remainder of block B to make way for the new Senior center. This specialised hub offering a series of learning settings for varying sizes, groupings and functionalities. The facility aims to promote collaboration opportunities with break out spaces and circulation acting as a technology rich zone able to be shared by multiple general class groups (2 x GPCs provided, with ability to create 2 further GPC’s within the commons).
3 X New mod-5 relocatable.

Stage 5 - Demolition of Block H + New Performing Arts and Admin

Demolish block H. A combination of instrumental tutorial rooms and music and drama rehearsal/ class spaces are proposed within the new facility and offer the out of hours functionality to the spaces. Class spaces have the potential to be combined to facilitate school gatherings, performances and external use aided through an associated foyer, amenities, storage, kiosk. The facility is co-located with new administration area of the school with accessibility from a new May Street landscaping and entrance.

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麥克勞德VICTORIA 3085


電話+61 3 9459 0222


麥克勞德學院(Macleod College)恭敬地承認沃倫傑里人是學校所在地的傳統擁有者,並尊重土著人民持續存在的生活文化。

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A state Prep - 12 School




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