Year 8
Year 8 is a pivotal year for developing critical thinking and independent learning skills, as students are encouraged to begin to take greater responsibility for their studies. They participate in many programs that incorporate a focus on personal development, helping students build social skills, resilience, and time management as they prepare for more advanced learning in the years ahead. It is a year that balances academic challenge with the growth of self-confidence and curiosity, providing a strong foundation for future learning.
Year 8 Students are exposed to a variety of different subjects to expose them to a variety of different curriculum areas.
Hold Fast - Achievement Program
HOLD FAST - The Macleod College motto, originated from the clan Macleod Dunvegan castle in the Isle of Skye. Meaning to be strong and resilient.
The aim of the ‘HOLD FAST’ program will be to:
Provide a daily and weekly platform for 21st century skills, Positive Education, Careers, Respectful Relationships, Mindfulness, Leadership, Rock and Water, Study Skills, Global Citizenship and Learning Plans
Create a more personalised schooling and learning experience for students
To provide students with the opportunity to set and reflect on SMART goals and develop a digital learning portfolio through the ‘my future’ website that will be monitored by a mentor teacher and discussed with families
iLeap Program
iLEAP is an engaging and challenging Extension program that provides students with an opportunity to work with each other in a supportive and encouraging environment. The curriculum supports, enriches and extends students in the disciplines of Mathematics, Numeracy, English and Literacy.
The program acknowledges that all students have different skill sets and aptitude in different areas and provides course material at three different levels – support, consolidating and extension
Research shows that all students have different starting points and preferred learning styles. iLEAP allow students to engage with the curriculum through the provision of:
a more challenging learning environment at all ability levels – extension, consolidating and support
the opportunity to study more abstract, complex and in depth texts and issues
the capacity for students to work independently and cooperatively with students of similar ability and interests
differentiated and dynamic learning opportunities that focus on creativity, innovative thinking, problem-solving and communication
Excursions, Incursions & Camps
Camps, excursions, and incursions offer invaluable experiences that enhance learning and personal development. They provide opportunities for hands-on engagement with nature, history, and culture, fostering a deeper understanding of the world. These experiences encourage teamwork and social skills, as participants collaborate and connect outside the classroom setting. Additionally, they can spark curiosity and ignite a passion for exploration, making education more dynamic and memorable. Overall, these activities enrich the educational journey, promoting not just academic growth but also personal growth and resilience.
Some of the activities that year 8 students at Macleod College experience are:
Camp: Three day camp at the end of the year to celebrate the year that was! This camp is a great opportunity to solidify new friendships that have been made.
School Swimming and Athletics Days: All students participate in a yearly swimming and athletics days. Students are encouraged to dress up and participate in the day! Any students who place in the competitions are invited to move on to the next round.
Health Days: Positive Physical, Mental, Social & Emotional health is promoted throughout the year during the Health and PE program. During the year, year 8 students will engage in a Health day. This day is catered to the students needs and can include different organisations such as Man Cave, Big Sister Experience, Live Life Whole, YMCA, Banyule Youth, Headspace and more!
End of Semester Celebration: Year 8 students head out on a mid year end of semester celebration. The location differs but is often to the movies!
Kryal Castle Humanities Excursion: Year 8 students supplement their learning of Medieval Europe with hands-on Medieval Activities at Kryal Castle