2023 Year 07 Transition
November email documents
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October email documents
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Welcome to our future Year 07 Students
We are delighted to welcome you and your child to Macleod College. We look forward to the next six years being productive and happy ones for your child and your family.
At Macleod College we teach the skills that will guide our students to contribute positively to society, allowing them to explore their passions in an environment that encourages creativity and diversity. Our values of Achieve, Respect and Connect underpin everything we do, and every learning opportunity is designed to allow students to grow into the future-ready citizens we need, citizens with a sense of belonging and a belief that they can positively impact the world around them.
The academic achievements of Macleod students are outstanding, however, our broader definition of success ensures social, emotional, sporting and artistic success are central to being a student of the College. Our Macleod College Music Academy, Student Leadership program, International student program and extensive Wellbeing program allow students to be supported, connected and valued
At Macleod we celebrate every student, knowing that our college is enriched by the differences individuals bring to our school; and our expert staff are committed to ensuring that the values and traditions our community holds dear are nurtured every day.
Your child’s enrolment into the College is not secure until the online electronic enrolment and all requested documents are received. Please use the below information to log onto the Compass enrolment portal and fill in all required information by Friday 2 September 2022.
Enrolment Portal click here
Offer ID: see email
Pin: see email
Requested documents:
Birth Certificate/Passport
If applicable:
Medical reports/plans
Legal court documents
2023 Year 07 Scholarship
If you would like your child to apply for a 2023 Year 07 Scholarship, please complete the online application by Friday 11th November 2022. Interviews will take place from 3.30pm on Tuesday 6th December 2022.
2023 Year 07 Information Evening
7pm Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Orientation Day
2023 Year 07 Orientation at Macleod College will be held from 9am – 3pm on Tuesday 13 December 2022.
Our next correspondence will be sent to you in October 2022. This email will contain further detailed information regarding the enrolment process.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the college on 9459 0222 or email macleod.co@education.vic.gov.au.
Enrolment timeline for Year 07 in 2023
From 26 April 2022: Families at government schools receive the Parent Transition Pack from their primary school. The application form for non-government schools will be available from our website from 26 April 2022.
13 May 2022: Families at government schools return their completed application for Year 07 to their primary school. Families at non-government schools email their completed application directly to Macleod College.
20 July 2022: Families at government schools are notified of the outcome of their application by their primary school. Families at non-government schools are notified of their outcome by Macleod College.
21 July 2022: Macleod College sends enrolment information to future Year 07 students. Families can lodge placement appeals with secondary schools. Government primary schools will provide families with the appeal form.
29 July 2022: Closing date for families to lodge a written appeal with their preferred secondary school.
9 August 2022: Secondary schools provide families with written notification of appeal outcome.
August – September 2022: Orientation process for future Year 07 families and students commences, including parent welcome evening, initial academic assessment and other events and information.
13 December 2022: Statewide orientation day for all Year 6 students
How to enrol
Government school student
Return your completed Application for Year 07 Placement form (included in the Parent Transition Pack) to your primary school in May. Your primary school then sends the form to your first-preference high school.
You will be notified of your placement by your primary school in July, and can either accept or appeal the placement.
Non-government school student
If your child is attending a Catholic or independent primary school, you need to apply directly to Macleod College.
The process follows the same timeline as government schools.
How to enrol (non-government school student)
Download and complete the Year 07 enrolment application form, contained within the transition information pack.
Submission via email is preferred at this time macleod.co@education.vic.edu.au. Or mail to Enrolments Officer, Macleod College PO Box 805 Macleod 3085.
We will notify you in August and you can either accept the placement or appeal the decision.
Transition from Grade 06 to Year 07
Our transition program starts with an orientation day in December, which includes:
Meeting the Principal and Home Group teachers
Icebreaker activities
Taster classes
Parent/Carer morning tea with the Principal
A scavenger hunt around the College
At the beginning of Term 1, Year 07 students have a transition program that includes:
Year 07 Assembly with their Student Manager & Sub School Leader
Rock & Water activities as part of the Wellbeing Program
Organisation, Study Skills & Mindfulness workshops
Positive Education
OnDemand testing
Throughout Semester 1, we have activities that are geared towards assisting our Year 07 students with settling into their new environment, which includes:
Camp information night and social meet and greet BBQ; a chance to meet your child’s teachers and have a friendly chat
Three-day Year 07 Camp at Valley Homestead
Year level sports program
Whole school Swimming and Athletics Carnivals
Homework Club
Subject based excursions relating to the curriculum studied
If you have any questions about enrolling in Year 07, contact our Enrolments Officer, Emma Wagner, on 9459 0222 or email wag@macleod.vic.edu.au
For more information about enrolling in secondary school in Victoria, visit Department of Education and Training.
Non-Government Transition information pack
DET fact sheet for school placement process